

Today's #bugfix release includes an important fix for the install process, as well as a fix for anchor links.

User-facing Fixes

Install Fixes

  • Admin account isn't created correctly with —config (#71)
  • Use correct go get command in documentation

Admin-Facing Changes

  • Fix —create-user usage error message

Trivial Changes

  • Fix Write.as link in README

Upgrading from v0.8.0

Download the latest release for your operating system. Stop running your writefreely service, replace all files in your installation with the ones in the archive, and then start your writefreely service again.

No additional steps are needed to upgrade from v0.8.0. Follow the instructions in each previous #release if you're upgrading from an earlier version.


Thanks for contributing to this release!

@mrvdb @SamWhited

P.S. Matt is at #FOSDEM in Brussels this weekend! Say hi and grab a WriteFreely sticker!


Today's #bugfix release is a non-critical update for anyone currently running WriteFreely — you can skip it if you haven't been affected by any of the issues below.

You'll want to upgrade to this version if you're running WriteFreely on Windows, as it fixes a server error that prevents a blog's customize page from rendering (#61). With this fix, WF should be stable enough to run on Windows.

You'll also want to upgrade if you weren't able to successfully configure a single-user blog, whether backed by MySQL or SQLite, due to a database error (#59).


  • Fix blog customize page not rendering on Windows (#61)
  • Initialize database during config step for single-user instance (#59)

Upgrading from v0.7.0

Download the latest release for your operating system. Stop running your writefreely service, replace all files in your installation with the ones in the archive, and then start your writefreely service again.

No additional steps are needed to upgrade from v0.7.0. Follow the instructions in each previous #release if you're upgrading from an earlier version.


This #bugfix release includes a fix for following via ActivityPub, adds a login link to single-user instances, and fixes the database schema to work more often.

Application Fixes

  • Fix Accept activity IDs (#16)
  • Add login link to single-user blogs (#15)

Installation Fixes

  • Fix more schema issues (#18)
